
126 N. Main Street, Mansfield TX 76063

Eye Health and FAQs

Your One-Stop-Shop for all Things Eye Related

We understand that you might have questions about our practice or what to do in the event of an eye emergency.  This page should help you out.  If you see something that isn’t listed, please feel free to contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes we are! We understand that nothing ruins a good day like dealing with pain, swelling, or itching in your eyes. 

Some of the emergency situations we treat include (but aren’t limited to):

  • conjunctivitis (pink eye) and other infections
  • eye injuries
  • welding burns (flash burns)
  • foreign bodies in the eye (sand, metal, eyelashes, etc.)


We take care of our own emergencies here in the office at any time – day or night – with a minimum of wait time. Because our office has the proper instruments and an experienced doctor, we can remove foreign bodies and treat eye injuries and infections without the necessity of visiting an emergency room.

If you are currently experiencing an eye emergency, call our office at 817-473-9301.

A complete visual analysis takes about an hour at our office. This allows time for the doctor to do all the health checks required as well as get the very best refraction for an eyeglass prescription. Contact lens exams take a little more time, depending on whether the patient is satisfied with their current lens or if they need to be refit with a more comfortable lens.

A visual analysis includes taking a general health and ocular history. Dr. Smith evaluates color vision, confrontation fields, eye movements and other external features. He does a refraction to evaluate whether or not a patient would benefit from correction. He checks eye pressure, which can be an indicator of glaucoma. He does a retinal scan using an OCT, which allows him to see the layers of the retina at the back of the eye. An OCT uses light, and is completely painless. Lastly, he will dilate the patient’s eyes using drops that do not interfere with distance vision or driving. This permits him to check the health at the back of the eye.

An eye exam (also known as a visual analysis) does not hurt. We do not use the puff-of-air test to check intraocular pressures.

We have a dispensary, and patients are welcome to try on frames. There is no pressure to purchase glasses at our office, however, and we will gladly write a prescription that is good at any optical outlet. We are also able to put a prescription into a frame that the patient already owns or that he or she has purchased at another provider.

Our office is considered out-of-network with insurance.  We do not accept insurance, and we are not Medicare providers. Many of our patients, however, come to us because of the excellent exams that Dr. Smith provides, paying out of pocket for it, and then they take their prescription to an optician or on-line provider and use their insurance benefits that way.

We do sell glasses. We do not press our patients to purchase from us, however, and we are happy to provide prices to permit them to comparison shop and get just what they want.

Our office does dilated, diabetic visual analyses. We also provide, at no charge, reports of such exams to patients’ PCPs or endocrinologists.

Our office is located in the Heart of Mansfield in the one-block section of historic buildings in Downtown. We are in the middle of the block on the east side of the street.  We invite patients to park in the parallel places on Main Street or, if that is busy, come around to Smith Street and park at the back of our building. There are signs to help, and the back door is unlocked.